Olympic dreams shattered! Britain’s equestrian Charlotte Dujardin given temporary ban and is out of Olympics

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The FEI, which oversees equestrian competition, has temporarily suspended Charlotte Dujardin, the joint most decorated female Olympian in British history.

Charlotte Dujardin

The dressage star had already withdrawn from Paris 2024, citing a video that she claimed demonstrated her “misjudgment.”

Video of three-time Olympic gold medallist Dujardin “engaging in conduct contrary to the principles of horse welfare-during a training session conducted at Ms. Dujardin’s private stable” was reported to the FEI.

“The video shows Ms. Dujardin beating a horse excessively with a whip,” the claimant’s attorney stated in an accompanying letter obtained by the BBC and used to submit an official complaint against Dujardin with the FEI.

They continued, saying, “My client is aware that Ms. Dujardin may face serious repercussions from her accusation, including disciplinary actions. My client had to consider carefully whether to submit this to you in this manner.”

The disputed video has not been viewed by BBC Sport.

Charlotte Dujardin

Dujardin, according to the FEI, acknowledged that she was the person in the “filmed several years ago” video and “requested to be provisionally suspended pending the outcome of the investigations.”

The body added that the ban would “remain in place pending the outcome of the investigation/disciplinary proceedings” after first announcing a six-month suspension.

Dujardin, who has won six Olympic medals overall, has declared that she will “withdraw from all competition while this process takes place,” even though the ban is only temporary while the FEI conducts its investigation.

“What happened was completely out of character and does not reflect how I train my horses or coach my pupils, however there is no excuse,” she stated in a statement.

“I am deeply ashamed and should have set a better example in that moment.”

A temporary suspension has also been placed on Dujardin by both British Dressage (BD) and British Equestrian (BEF), awaiting the conclusion of the FEI investigation.

The Federal Energy Institute (FEI) stated in a statement that it “intends to proceed [its investigation] as swiftly as possible”.

“Equine welfare cannot be compromised, so it is our responsibility and crucial that we address any instances of abuse,” stated Ingmar De Vos, president of the FEI.

“Charlotte [Dujardin] has shown sincere regret for her deeds, and we acknowledge and value her readiness to accept accountability.”

“Despite the unfortunate timing, we believe this action reaffirms the FEI’s commitment to welfare as the guardians of our equine partners and the integrity of our sport.”

German modern pentathlon coach Kim Raisner was disqualified from the Olympics in Tokyo in 2021 because it appeared that she had punched a horse.

After that occurrence, the event underwent a significant redesign, adding an obstacle course in place of the previous equestrian component.

The alternative pairing for Team GB in the dressage is Becky Moody and her horse Jagerbomb.

“Will be applying to bring in a reserve athlete under the IOC’s Late Athlete Replacement rules,” declared the British Olympic Association (BOA).

It stated: “The BOA takes animal welfare extremely seriously, and we believe that everyone has a responsibility for ensuring the wellbeing of horses.”

“These historic allegations are deeply upsetting for everyone involved in our sport,” stated Jason Brautigam, chief executive of British Dressage, “but we fully support the FEI investigation and will take any appropriate disciplinary action when this process is complete.”

Jim Eyre, CEO of British Equestrian, declared that the BEF will “fully comply with any [FEI] requests to fulfil their investigation”.

He continued: “As the guardians of equestrian sport, we must uphold the highest standards of equine welfare – the horse’s wellbeing is paramount.”

“We know that public trust is at the core of a successful future for horse sport,” stated Roly Owers, CEO of World Horse Welfare. The general public must have faith that riders are kind people who handle their horses with consideration, empathy, and decency.

“The sport will suffer if that faith is shaken. For anyone who still doubt the significance of this, this serves as yet another harsh wake-up call.”

Who is Charlotte Dujardin?

Charlotte Dujardin

At the London 2012 Games on Valegro, Dujardin, 39, won gold medals for both his team and himself. Four years later, in Rio, he and his partner again won gold and silver for themselves.

At the postponed Tokyo 2020 Games, she earned two bronzes on a new horse, Gio.

Dujardin was scheduled to ride new horse Imhotep and compete in the solo dressage as well as the team event with Carl Hester and world champion Lottie Fry.

To overtake now-retired cyclist Dame Laura Kenny as the most decorated British female Olympian, she required a medal of any colour.

In an interview with BBC Sport last week, Dujardin stated that reaching that goal would be “one of the most incredible moments” and that it seemed “surreal”.

The oldest horse sport is dressage, which involves a rider and horse performing a series of motions in the walk, trot, and canter to music.

Charlotte Dujardin: Consequences could be huge’

When this surprising news first surfaced, it took many in the British Olympic organisation by surprise. With the Games set to begin, it will surely rock the team.

Three weeks ago, when I paid Dujardin a visit in her Gloucestershire yard, she told me she wanted to make her little daughter proud and expressed confidence in her ability to create history in Paris. Both as a member of the team and as an individual, she was regarded as a gold medal possibility.

She’s not going to be at the Games at all now. However, this narrative may have significant implications for society’s overall acceptance of equestrian sport, even beyond its effect on Team GB’s medal ambitions. She is a prominent figure in British sports, and animal welfare is a hotly debated topic.

The timing of this is terrible, with only three days left before the opening ceremony, and the repercussions could be severe.

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